Psychology can sometimes be really difficult to understand. Part of this difficulty is carrying out proper diagnoses regarding the problem at hand. A mental health counselor for youth can help informal diagnosis of different conditions, symptoms, and disorders. However, it is important to know the difference between engaging in self-harm and a teenager having suicidal intent. Here, we will focus on this difference along with some ways to treat them.
Self-harm technically refers to any behavior where one engages in causing any form of harm to themselves. Compared to suicide attempts, self-harm is more widely reported and occurs more frequently. It may include practices like cutting oneself, burning intentionally, or self-hitting behaviors. Self-harm is comparatively less severe compared to suicidal attempts or intent. However, their underlying reason is troublesome: self-harm is mostly how people avoid their suicidal impulses.
However, self-harm may lead to suicide as well. Book an appointment with a teenage anxiety counseling session near you to avoid the following outcomes:
- There may come the point where the teenager may feel that the self-harm no longer helps them escape the suicidal impulses.
- Continuous self-harm may result in self-harmer, considering suicide a less painful option than the frequent pain from harming themselves. Such symptoms are common in young people engaging in excessive self-harm. A mental health counselor for the youth can help mediate the issues that may cause such impulses in the young people.
Reasons for self-harm amongst teenagers may be varied. A teenage anxiety counselor near you may help to identify some of the following reasons for continuous self-harm:
- Losing a parent or a close friend.
- Sexual, physical or domestic abuse.
- Substance abuse issues or childhood trauma.
- Neglect, illness, or surgery.
- Lack of strong attachment with the family.
One way parents may help their children, and teenage anxiety sessions is to discuss their problems with them and develop a close bond. Being close to the children will help them open up about their issues, making it easier to diagnose the reason for self-harm.
People may self-harm for several reasons. They may feel better by harming themselves or feel in control of their life. Similarly, they may consider it a way to communicate their emotional pain. In some cases, it may be a method of punishing oneself as well.
Suicidal Intent
Suicidal intent is different from self-harm. It refers to continuous impulses and inclination towards ending one’s life. A mental health counselor for youth may help you diagnose the type of suicidal intent your child is facing. It may be passive suicidal intent where a person wishes that they are dead. However, they do not take any action to act on it. Passive suicidal intent is chronic and can be treated better compared to active suicidal intent. The latter focuses on actually planning how to suicide and end one’s life. If you see any symptoms of active suicidal attempts, consider any teenage anxiety counseling session near you as soon as possible.
Some of the major symptoms of suicidal intent are as follows:
- A person may isolate themselves completely from everyone.
- Continuous feeling of hopelessness or being trapped.
- A person may excessively engage in talks regarding suicide or death.
- Giving away what you own to other people.
- Mood swings may increase, and the person may fall into serious depression.
- Extreme anxiety is another major determinant of suicidal intent. A teenage anxiety counselor near you can help identify these issues in your child and help them overcome such inclinations.
Suicidal intent may occur from a previous suicide attempt, chronic illnesses, or a constant feeling of hopelessness. As such, depression may lead to the development of strong suicidal intent. The diagnosis is possible through the patient’s medical history along with proper psychological tests and methods to determine how they are currently behaving and understanding their thought process.
Remember, all issues are treatable if they are treated in time. If you notice any symptoms of self-harm or suicidal intent in your child, book a counseling session with a skillful psychologist near you. We hope our article helps sum up the issue.
Mental health counsellor for youth & Teenage anxiety counselling near me
If your teenager is expressing Self-harm and Suicidal intent speak to someone today!