Are you ready to see a Therapist/Psychotherapist/Counsellor?


A counsellor is a person who provides a guide to the people who are seeking help to get better in their life. Therapy and counselling allow you to live better, make your relations better with family, work, and job.

You can seek child and adolescent therapy from a CAMHS counsellor and find a way back to every day and healthy life. Treatment involves counselling and therapeutic conversations, and interaction between the therapist and family or child. It helps a family to get close to each other. It helps to change behaviours, resolve problems and understand each other.

It is not necessary that only adults need therapy and counselling. Traumas and significant life changes can affect the mental health of children too. Listening to me, counsellors provide therapy to children and adolescent therapy. We are licensed Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) counsellors.

Psychology is sensitive, and when you seek therapy, that means you want a normal healthy life with fun things to do.

There are many reasons you should consult the counsellors for CAMHS counselling. These points also provide you the reason why you should see a counsellor.

What does CAMHS do?

CAMHS counselors support mental issues like depression, issues with food, self-harm, anger, violence anxiety and much more.

According to recent studies from the National Alliance on mental Health, one out of five Americans lives with a mental health condition. The most alarming thing is that only one out of 25 goes to see a therapist or doctor to get treated.

Medical health is as important as physical health. Mainly mental conditions affect physical health and put life in danger. For instance, Anorexia is an eating disorder that does not let you eat for fear of gaining weight, and sometimes people die from a lack of nutrients.

Although, efforts have been made to get people to know about mental health’s importance and the red flags they should see and visit the counsellor. Listen to me striving to provide the best counselling to the patients and opening the doors to a healthy normal life.

Signs you are ready to see Counsellor:

Whenever you feel low and cannot decide whether or not to visit a therapist, worry not. Here are a few signs which will help you indicate that you need to see a therapist or not.

  1. Overwhelm: Sometimes we think that many things are going on in our lives and we could not solve all these issues; it is like you are stuck somewhere and cannot breathe.
  2. Fatigue: The physical symptoms of fatigue call to see a doctor immediately. Fatigue causes you to sleep too much, or you are not able to sleep at all. Fatigue indicates depression.
  3. Anger or resentment: When you feel constant anger or resentment or feel sad constantly, that also indicates you need counselling.
  4. Hopelessness: Losing interest in daily life, feeling demotivated, and like you do not hold any future is hopelessness. It is common after you have faced trauma in your life. But when the condition persists, it’s time to see a counsellor.
  5. Staying anxious or feeling apathy: Feeling apathy and worrying too much are signs of anxiety and depression
  6. Social detachments: When you want to spend time alone more and do not feel interested in social life or a group, you still feel alone or distressed. Therapy can help you bring back all the fun of your life.

When you are facing all of these issues, it means it is time to seek counselling.

How counselling helps

All of these issues might feel like minor problems, but they can cause significant disasters in life. Here is how counselling can help you:

  • CAMHS counselors can bring you back to life, and you can achieve your goals. You will meet realistic goals and hope in life.
  • Child and adolescent therapy sessions help you control anger and sadistic behaviours, allowing you to have your relations back to normal.
  • You will feel closer to your spouse, children, friends, and family. It will provide you hope and bring you back from hopelessness.
  • You can address your issues with relationships and become a better person.
  • Therapy lets you understand yourself better. It helps you to be a better person, and you can cope with the issues better.
  • It helps to improve your life overall.

What if counselling does not work?

Counselling is not magic; it takes time. Sometimes you will feel better in a couple of sessions, and sometimes it takes months. Be patient and follow what the counsellor says. It is the only door to your happiness.

So are you ready?

Listen to me offer walk-in-clinics counselling free of charge. Our CAMHS counsellors are one of the best in your surroundings. So what are you thinking of? Are you facing these issues and want a second chance for your life? Are you ready to see a counsellor? Visit us without getting stuck in making prior appointments.

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